Introducing the Wheel of Joy

We live in a world that seems to constantly be sucking us dry of joy.  If we aren’t careful, we can get pulled into a downward spiral of bad news.    

Complications are a desire for happiness, alongside so much at our fingertips (entertainment, shopping, etc.) that tells us it’s going to make us happy – but doesn’t. 

“… happiness is to joy as an electric light bulb is to the sun.”

Susanna Tamaro

Because of this, so many of us are not accessing the joy that is available to us.

For this reason, I have created the “Wheel of Joy.”  For years, as a facilitator, I used assessments that looked at the various elements of leading a balanced life – but as I dug deeper, I saw something was missing. 

The Wheel of Joy Assessment

Further probing led me to identify the things that truly seemed to bring people lasting joy:  

-Sense of Purpose & Serving Others
-Access to Peace & Stillness
-Actively Practicing Generosity
-Available Time & Space 
-Connection to God
-Feelings of Contentment
-Connection to Beauty
-Positive Relationships 

If you want to take the Wheel of Joy for a spin (pun intended), schedule some time with me for a free exploration session. [CLICK HERE TO SCHEDULE]

You will have a space to speak through your desire for joy, what you have already tried, and begin to craft a vision for the joy-filled life for which you’ve longed. 

4 thoughts on “Introducing the Wheel of Joy”

  1. What a great wheel. I just numbered my 8 joys according to the historical themes that
    have caused light and joy to infiltrate my life and hopefully that of others.

    1. Thank you Margaret!It sounds like you’ve put a lot of thought to this in your life. Was there anything missing that you might like to add? Which components did you see that need “work”?

  2. I numbered my 8 joys asking myself , where am I and do I truly feel connected with this joy. Connection to beauty-8. However I do not take time to concentrate, breath it in and digest. Contentment-2. At times I am Again I do not take time to enjoy the small gift of joy because I have” more important things to do”so I am going to work on the first two of the wheel. You are so sensitive Johanna to our needs to take time and connect with our inner self. Thank you. ☺️

    1. Suzan… thank you so much for the honest reflection. It sounds like there is a self awareness that is flourishing in your life – which often leads to big growth. On the beauty side, what might trigger taking the time to breath and digest?

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