
These posts look at the various ways that knowing and living your purpose alter your existence and give more benefits that one would anticipate.

More Than Goals, You Need Transformation

This week, I was discussing purpose with a young person with high aspirations in the military. He has focus, direction, and a sense of purpose, but something was missing, and he couldn’t quite future it out. When he put himself in the shoes of the person he wanted to become, he got a new perspective. He saw tasks and discipline were not going to be enough – he needed a transformation. Ideas started to race about steps he could take to reach his dreams [see them below].

The Question That Leads to A Pin-drop Moment

The last interview I participated in was a direct catalyst for my becoming an entrepreneur. What I’ve realised since is that I was using a narrative in the interview that is extremely common. The words I used were a simple and effective trigger to finding and living my purpose.

I remember sitting across from the interviewer at a very well respected advertising company and said, “I could probably do just about every job in this company, minus, perhaps, accounting.” Yes, perhaps I could do everything given a lot of hard work and a lot of misfits but what would that prove and would I really want to?

Basing Your Life On What You Value

In the past, it was easy for me to look at other people’s lives and wonder if they have something that I should want. There was even a tendency to overlook my own heart’s desires. But the road to matching my life and lifestyle with my values has been marked by discovery and acceptance.